Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Let NaNoWriMo begin

Ohhh NaNoWriMo.

Anyone who's been a follower for at least a year should remember me talking about it last year. It is pretty much amazing. National Novel Writing Month. You write a 50,000 word novel in a month. It might sound crazy, but I actually succeeded last year.

I was planning on boycotting this year, sadly, because I wouldn't have much time with a 5-week old baby. At 12pm today, twelve hours after it began, I said screw it and started writing. I'm almost 500 words in and I'm determined to at least get a few thousand words. And I learned I sometimes have an easier time coming up with a story if I just start writing without any kind of a plan.

"It was something I never expected to happen in a million years. It so wasn't like me at all."
Some posts from last year:
15 Steps to Writing a Novel - My way
My goodbye the day before NaNo started

So if I'm not writing much, it may be because I'm busy with the baby. Or it may be because I'm devoting any of my baby-free time to writing. Wish my luck on this insane writing adventure.

Ps.. If anyone would like to partner up with me and exchange buttons, get the info here and send me an email.


Irish Italian Blessings said...

You go girl!!! I love having goals and going for it, I just wish I had the time...and the motivation :)

AiringMyLaundry said...

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

i couldn't muster the energy to do it this year, and i don't even have a newborn. you are brave. go get it!

Screaming Sardine said...

Good for you!! I wish you lots of luck on all that writing, especially with a little one. No matter how many words you write, you'll definitely feel a sense of accomplishment for pushing yourself. :) Looking forward to hearing about your progress.

Tracy Screaming Sardine

Baby Sister said...

Good luck!! I'm sure it will be great!!



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