Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Breastfeeding to Formula: The good, the bad and the ugly

We recently did the switch. We suspected C's constant crankiness may have been because dairy wasn't agreeing with her, or maybe she was missing out on some nutrients, but whatever the case it worked. C is now on a soy formula and is a lot less cranky than before. 

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The Good
The boobs finally get a break

The Bad
Sometimes switching them over can make them stop pooping for a few days

The Ugly
Once the poop comes, there's a chance it could be a very dark green, and be the worst smelling poop you've ever encountered


The Good
You can prepare the milk in advance, and not have to worry about milk for an entire day

The Bad
You now need to wash bottles daily

The Ugly
Formula is not cheap, boys and girls!


The Good
You can ship your little one off to stay with someone else, without needing you present to feed them

The Bad
You now (probably) need to let your milk dry up

The Ugly
At best it is uncomfortable. At worst it is some very intense pain

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Has anyone else started out breastfeeding and done the switch in the first few months? Share your story! 


Elle said...

I am in the same boat with you. My son Owen just turned a month old on November 1st. It was such a difficult decision to make the switch to formula. He has GERD and a milk allergy and the combination was causing him a lot of pain. He stopped latching around 2 and a half weeks. We tried going to lactation specialists, bottle feeding breast milk and then trying to latch. I wasn't making a lot of milk so we had to supplement with formula anyway. I also have an autoimmune disease which I have not been treating since becoming pregnant with him. My husband and I talked about how me going back on treatment was a good choice and since Owen was already comfortable taking formula from a bottle that we go that route. The emotional pain from feeling like a failure hurt worse then my milk drying up for me. But now we are doing ok. Owen is thriving and I got rid of all breastfeeding related items so it's not a huge reminder. Sometimes you have to do what is best for mom and baby.

Sean Marie said...

Damn. That sounds like a sequence of conundrums. I hear breastfeeding itself can be painful and I'm sure letting your milk dry up is worse.

Nicole J @ Pampers & Pumps said...

You know that I breastfeed but what you probably didn't know is that I supplement B with pumped breast milk as well as formula. He takes anything I give him, even water (to "help" his hiccups, didn't work). On the days he has the formula his poo's are the worst smelling poo's ever but I'm happy if he's happy. You need to do what's right for your baby and if Chloe is in better spirits then I'm sure you are too. And for realsies that stuff is not cheap. I luckily haven't had to buy any formula because I'm living off the freebies I got from the companies. Sorry it didn't work out but I'm glad to hear her tummy is doing better with the switch.

P.S. I didn't proof read this before posting so sorry for any spelling errors/typos.

Irish Italian Blessings said...

We did the switch with Kaylin when she was 10 months old and the first thing I noticed was how much formula was, it's crazy expensive! What kind of formula do you use? Let me know so I can save you coupons if I ever get em :)

Baby Sister said...

Well this could hopefully help you get a little bit of a break now, since someone else can feed her. :) I think I'm going to try and do some of each when I have babies. We'll see how that goes. :)



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