Wednesday, March 3, 2010

6 hours til day off!

My eyes first openedat 6:43 a.m. this morning. At first I rolled over and closed my eyes, but quickly realized that it was probably too close to 7 for me to get any more sleep, which was when I looked at the clock.

I forced myself out of bed, repeating in my head that this was the last day, then I would finally have time off. So I layed in bed, eating my english muffin and watching What I Like About You on the computer, then made my way to work.

I'm not gonna lie, I get a little giddy everytime I think about having the next two days off.

So far, I have big plans. Let's see how far I actually get with them though.
  • I want to clean/organize the dinning room
  • My turn for dishes
  • Quickly tidy up the livingroom
  • Put my clothes away
  • Turn the spare bedroom in my scrapbooking room!
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Organize and clean my bedroom

Obviously it's more than I'll be able to get done on Thursday. Friday will be filled with errands, plus I'm less productive when the boyfriend is around. I should probably invest in an energy drink for tomorrow (bad for me, I know), since they always make me get a lot more done than I would on my own.

Friday night I have (maybe) plans with a few friends. I say maybe because it wouldn't be the first time either of them would say "Yeah, I'll be there" then either hint at not wanting to go, or just forget about me completely. Which makes me that much happier that I have a couple of the best friends anyone could ask for. I know they are hard to come by.

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