Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My baby-free time

As I write this, my apartment is baby-free. I've been baby-free before, but that was when I was out with friends, travelling somewhere, or off to the store - always doing something. This is the first time I'm baby-free and I'm just sitting on the couch relaxing. It's pretty amazing. My munchkin is usually asleep by this time anyway (it's almost 12am as I write this), but then I'd have to be rushing to bed so I could get my 7-8 hours in. (Yeah, don't hate - my baby let's me get about that much sleep at once lately.) 

I don't have to worry about getting to bed. I know I can sleep until I'm ready to wake up tomorrow morning. I don't have to worry that she might start crying. I don't need to have the monitor on. It's pretty great, although I do miss her already. It was a bit easier to let her go than I expected. I blame that on the fact that she cried on and off for about three hours before she left. By the time she was ready to leave I needed the break. But I do miss that cute little face.

I was also able to get out and shop baby-free for the first time in a long time, which is a million times easier. Have I mentioned that she cries almost the entire time we're in the car, every time unless it's a long trip of straight driving. And she cries almost the entire time we're in the stores unless I take her out of the car seat and hold her. Have I mentioned how hard it is to shop alone with a baby in your arms? She isn't the biggest fan of her carrier so I stopped dragging that out with me. 

As much as I'd love to relax tomorrow while she's still gone, there's just so much I'd like to get done. My biggest goal is to have my room completely unpacked and semi-organized. Not being able to find things is making me crazy. I have a few other things on the top of my to-do list for tomorrow so wish me luck. I'll never have time for it all but it'll be nice to get started. 

PS:  Head over to my Facebook page and tell me what's the biggest thing on your Christmas list? The crazier, the better. 


Anonymous said...

i've heard from other friends who have just become moms that a day here and there to be yourself again is just the best nerve tonic ever. hope you get everything squared away!

Shell said...

Enjoy your kidfree time! She is a cutie!

Amanda said...

Hope your day was productive!

Baby Sister said...

Oooo, that must have been nice. :)



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