Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I finally figured out and love Pinterest

I am SO proud of myself. I finally figured out Pinterest. Finally. I've played around on it a few times before, but I never understood it at all. 

Pins? Boards? Huh? 

But then I kept playing. And I actually made some boards, pinned some pins to those boards. I thought it was kind of cool, but still nothing special. 

Then! I played around, trying to add my own pins, trying to add something to my blog. I added it, and then I saw this in the bottom corner: 

Other items from my blog. Other items that OTHER PEOPLE had pinned. People were pinning stuff from my blog. So then I felt famous for 15 seconds. So the fact that people could and actually were putting my stuff on Pinterest had me pretty excited. 

After that, I added the 'Pin It' button to my toolbar, and now I can very easily add anything I want to Pinterest. I've been adding recipes left and right. I've also found a lot of awesome craft, organization and decorating ideas.I don't spend hours upon hours on it, but it is a fun waste of time. And it organizes everything so much better than just using simple bookmarking. I bookmark a TON of stuff, so it makes me feel a lot more organized. I'm in love. 

So, what are your thoughts on Pinterest? 

If you're on it, leave me your link : )

Follow Me on Pinterest


Nicole J @ Knocked Up said...

I'm on pintrest too! My cousin got me into it :)

Irish Italian Blessings said...

I LOVE Pinterest and now you can cross off "Become pretty much famous" off your list! Pinterst pins TOTALLY count as Fame!

Tiffany said...

I just got on it this week... not sure how much I will do as it actually is, as you say, just a share and organization tool. But it's still fun when I don't feel like doing anything requiring much thought. And I love it for when I visit DYI blogs.
Following you on Pinterest!

Baby Sister said...

I hear so much about it, but I've never really looked that much into it. Guess I'll have to start doing that, because everyone and their dogs love it.



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