Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm fixed, but still waiting to feel better

I finally got the horrible tooth of mine pulled. The big shocker there was that they charged me half of what they said on the estimate. I'm not sure why, but I wasn't complaining. Although it did add a lot of stress on me for nothing. 

Thank God the tooth is gone though. It's been two days and I don't miss the toothache at all, although I'm still in a decent amount of pain. It wasn't too bad that day, and Thursday, but today it's been bothering me all day. My gums are all still very sore. If I bite down the wrong way, the teeth the were around the pulled tooth hurt. It's nothing compared to the pain I felt with the toothache, but this pain is all the time - not just when I eat. Still glad it's over with. I need to be a little more responsible and go to the dentist more, whether I can afford it or not. I can't let things get that bad. 

As of today, I have one week of work left and I'm done. No working for about a year. I'm excited but also a little scared. Baby time is getting closer, but I'm hoping she stays put until at least the 9th of September to give me some prepare/relax time. After that she can come whenever she wants. 

Hope you guys have a fabulous weekend. Tell me your plans! 


Caro said...

I sure hope she listens to you.
I have no plans for this we but fondue dinner tomorrow night.

Madeline said...

Our plans are to not have plans lol!!

Your blog design keeps on changing! I'm anxious to see the finalized version!

Unknown said...

How exciting that your baby is due pretty soon! Is this your first?


Baby Sister said...

I worked...does that count? ;) I hope she stays in as long as possible. :)



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