It's Sunday again (already!) Time for MannLand5's 'Getting to Know You', the one weekly thing that's stuck with me the most. Head on over to Keely's blog if you want to play and link up.
1. If you had to choose a country to live in besides USA (or the country you live in), which would it be?
I live in Canada and I think I would probably pick some place in Europe, but since I haven't been to any of these places before, it's really hard to hypothetically pick a place to live. I'm interested in Italy the most, and I really don't have a specific reason why, I'm just curious.
2. Which would be worse, wearing flip flops in the snow or wearing gloves in the summer?
Flip flops in the snow. Gloves in the summer would suck, but I don't think it would cause permanent damage like like toes freezing and falling off. As long as I don't have to wear the rest of the winter outfit (boots, coat, snowpants, hat, etc.) I'm fine with the gloves.
3. Fried or Baked and why?
I'm an unhealthy girl, so of course I think fried tasted better. But really, it depends. I loved baked potatoes. I pick baked over microwaved, any day. Does that count? I love my deep fryer. I didn't love cleaning it last night though, just sayin'.
4. If you were an entertainment reporter, which celeb would you love to interview and why?
Reese Witherspoon, because she's adorable. Of Ellen Degeneres. She's so funny and it would be nice to interview her since it's usually her you see interviewing others. Or Gerard Butler because.. well, just look at him.
5. What was your favorite book as a preteen/teenager?
Probably the 'Sweet Dreams' teen romance books. I definitely read and loved 'Three's a Crowd', 'The Right Combination', and God knows there were others. Nice walk down memory lane :)
6. List your top 3 guilty pleasure television shows.
Degrassi: The Next Generation. So much Canada crammed into one wonderful, drama-filled tv show. Big Brother and The Bachelor(ette) probably count as my other two.
7. What bumper sticker slogan best describes you/your attitude/your life?
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
8. If you were to join a circus - what performer would you be?
I've only been to the circus once so I'm not as familiar with the positions as I'd like to be. But I think it would be fun to be a clown. I've definitely already expereience 'Clown Car Syndome' (when wayyy more people than what would seem possible pile out of a little car).
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!
Mmmm...Gerard. How could I forget about him?!
My husband absolutely loves Reese Witherspoon. She's like his dream girl lol. And I am in love with Degrassi!! It's definitely one of my guilty pleasure shows, though I forgot to list it lol. It's so out there and unrealistic and I love it!
Hehehe...I love your bumper sticker slogan, it's so true!
Love Reese Witherspoon!
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