Who, with a simple haircut, turns into the most adorable little thing in the world. But I may be a little biased.
I just couldn't get over his adorable-ness when I saw my sister's friend had posted this picture today after him getting a haircut. I sure hope I get to see him over the weekend!
Speaking of the weekend, I am heading home to visit mother and grandfather and a possibly a few friends. I have a hair appointment with my favorite hairdresser. And if it's nice out while I'm there, I'm taking advantage of the country (where there are hoses, and plugs outside) and cleaning my whole car.
So I won't be around for a few days (Friday-Tuesday).
I was hoping maybe one (or more!) of you lovelies would want to guest-blog for me, to entertain my 8 readers (Yes, 8. I'm still amazed how quickly that number has jumped. I owe everyone a big thanks!)
If not, that's fine. I'll just be MIA for a few days, cause that's how I roll.
In the meantime, I'll be here trying to catch up on my blog reading, being sad that I missed the beautiful sun today, and hoping some of you might want to take over for a day.
Yeah, that's right. The first beautiful day in so long and not only do I work, but I was stuck working at both jobs. And I did not get to spend my 45 free minutes outside, sadly.
But I can't complain too much. The sun came back, and that's all that matters.
Just a bit of fun before I end this...
A cute little quiz I stole from Leigh Ashley, who stole it from Simply Said By Simply Me, whole it from someone else.
(* I'm messy, but I like to TRY to keep things neat)
If you want to do it yourself, head on over to Leigh Ashley's blog to grab it. She's too awesome for you to not.
Happy hump day, all! (That'll be the first and last time I say that. I've always hated that they call Wednesday 'hump day')
Just a bit of fun before I end this...

(* I'm messy, but I like to TRY to keep things neat)
If you want to do it yourself, head on over to Leigh Ashley's blog to grab it. She's too awesome for you to not.
Happy hump day, all! (That'll be the first and last time I say that. I've always hated that they call Wednesday 'hump day')
I will guest blog for you :) that is if you're interested! Hehe. Do you have any fun themes you want us to write about?
hey venassa!! thanks for stopping by my little bloggy yesterday! i love meeting new people! and cute blog, btw!! :)
Oh love the wee haircut! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
Enjoy your weekend.
Your nephew is adorable!
And does he really look angry to you in that first picture?
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Aw, he's such a cute little bugger! Thanks for stopping by the other day. Lucky you are still young and don't need creams yet.
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