Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Twitter Fun

Twitter Icon
by Twitter Icons

To celebrate my 100th tweet, I've decided to take part in this little Twitter exchange hosted by Supah Mommy. And here's how it works.


To play along and increase your twitter twaffic do the following:

1. Follow the first 5 Twitter Twaffic hosts listed on the linky (click the picture link at #3 for the linky). Netiquette and courtesy! They'll reciprocate your love on twitter!

2. MAKE A BLOG POST LIKE I am doing. Copy and Paste these directions.

3. Grab the YO Tweeps Twaffic Exchange Button pictured below. Put him in your post.

5. Put YOUR OWN twitter icon / link on your blog post like I did. It should directly link to your TWITTER PROFILE.

6. Now link up your post below in the linky!

7. Visit some other #YOtweeps linkers on the list.

8. Follow them if you choose and shout out to them on twitter that you are following so they can instantly follow you if they're on.
(Follow their blog as well if you're interested.)

@personsname #yotweeps I'm following!

9. If someone follows you JUST reciprocate on twitter. It's that easy!!!

I think I got it..? I'm still kind of twitter-challenged so hopefully I can figure out the @people and #stuff. How hard can it be?

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