Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Sunday Blahs.

Sundays have all of a sudden turned into what they used to be back in my school days - just a blah day. Back then, it was because I knew it was a day to get to bed early and be ready for school to start back up on Monday. Sometimes, it was a day of hangover, but usually just the end of an awesome weekend. 

I haven't had that feeling in forever up until lately. 

For the longest time days of the week meant nothing to me. Since having Chloe, and even before when I was working, weekends were no more special than week days. 

I know I'm not always going to be so lucky, and this isn't going to last but the past few weekends have been great. There was the Paul Brandt concert, of course, which I had a babysitter for. But then Chloe has been going to her father's every other weekend, making my free night fall on a Saturday, and giving me three Saturdays in a row without a baby. 

It's been nice getting to spend some of that free time with E., although his weekends off seem to fall on the opposite weekends from mine. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. It means I don't get to see him for long, but it also means I get most of the day to myself while he works, and he doesn't have his daughter so we get to be completely child-free, which is rare. 

Another rarity is me drinking these days, yet I've managed to do it two weekends in a row now. Not a crazy, drunken night out kind of drinking, but a few drinks with friends kind of drinking. Nice, but I'm tired of waking up hungover Sunday morning. 

But there is something to be said about dozing off with someone on the couch, wearing their over-sized sweater, half listening to a rerun of Family Guy. 

So Sunday are back to being a little blah feeling - a sign of another great weekend ending.  


Irish Italian Blessings said...

Sounds like you've been having a lot of fun!! I'm jealous and yes, weekends are awesome and Monday's suck

Nicole J @ Pampers & Pumps said...

Hahaha I too find myself drinking A LOT more then I use to. I'm sure if I were settled into a relationship that it would cut down significantly but until then I'll be hungover with you on Sunday's :)

Baby Sister said...

Sunday and I have a love-hate relationship. I love that I don't have to work, but I hate that I have to go to work on Monday, so I can understand where you're coming from. At least you get to spend time with Mr. E!! :)

Mama Up! said...

I used to feel the same way about Sundays until I realized I was screwing myself out of what could have been a great day! So now I try to adjust my attitude :)



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