I went to see the Karate Kid
earlier tonight. I was pleasantly surprised. Not only did I get into it from the beginning, I was enjoying it the whole way through.
Jaden Smith did a great job. He had the perfect attitude and played the emotional parts perfectly. I have seen very few Jackie Chan movies, but I enjoyed him as well. I heard from people who've seen his other movies that he doesn't usually play such serious roles. Great movie for all ages. It's rated PG, so it's kid-friendly, but 22 year old me enjoyed it, as well as the mid/late 20s male that I saw it with.
I went to see it with my ex-boyfriend. This is one of few times I've called him that. It doesn't feel like it, and it's weird saying it. That is why I am where I am right now. I am spending a few days at my mother's place to get some time to think, and also to see how I feel without him. We may be broken up, but our relationship has not changed much. The only difference lately is that he's hurt and I'm confused.
So here I am, sleeping in a tiny single bed with only one pillow, in a hot little room. We are cutting off all contact for at least a day or two, but I haven't decided how long I'll be away from home.
I was sad to leave. Packing up a bit of food and hugging goodbye just felt so final. Whether my heart ends up deciding we should try again, or to completely end it, I really will miss living with him, as imperfect as it's been. No matter what he's done to hurt or annoy me in the past year, he is a great guy and I know he would do anything for me.
I do miss him already.
But off I go to find something to stuff under my one pillow to lift it up a bit. Little exhausted me will be asleep in seconds, or so I hope.
I wondered if that movie would be any good. That little Jaden seems to be a big ball of personality!
Hope your time away from your boyfriend helps you find the answers you need.
Sorry to hear about all the confusion you have about your ex-boyfriend. It's just never easy, is it?
However, now it is time to arise and get your sequined gown on as you head over to my blog for some life-changing news.
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