Watch Me Grow!
Week 10 - Month 2 & 3 pics
I can't believe I'm at week 17. Time is both flying by and dragging on at the same time. Just today I talked to a co-worker who is just a couple of weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy. She is kind of small like me and is noticeably pregnant. She doesn't I'm showing at all. Looking at the photo above for month one, and looking down at my belly now, I am noticeably pregnant. Wanna see? First, take a look at month one above.. then...
Bam! My belly used to only poke out as far as my breasts. Now, not so much.
I. have. grown. That photo show it the most. Photos were taken April 17th. I would've liked to add this one to my above collage but I'm not on my own computer, and this work computer is too old to do much on it.

Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop. [ Via Babycenter ]
Weight Gain: Doctor's assistant vsit on the 7th said 108lbs. Boyfriend's cheap scale this weekend said 112lbs. I will be weighed today at my first appointment with my actual baby doctor. I originally weighed approx. 105lbs.
Ultrasound: Coming up on April 26th.
Clothes: Work pants are all dress pants with buttons - getting very hard to button them these days. Need a bigger size asap. Most clothes still fit fine. Some show my belly off way more than others.
Sleep: I`m still sleeping great, but now I definitely can`t sleep on my belly, and sometimes it`s really uncomfortable laying on my side. I think I always wake up on my back now.
Eating: My apetite isn`t as crazy as it was at the beginning. Now I eat the same small portions as I always did, but I do eat a little more often. And I can go from normal, to starving within minutes.
Other noticeable things... I use the bathroom oh so often. For example, twice before I went to work this morning, 5 times while at my first job (5.5 hr shift) and 2 or 3 times since I got to my second job (I`ve been here 4 hours). Usually it`s a LOT less.
I think I want to go through my nesting stage. I just can`t wait to set up the baby`s room but I won`t be able to do that until we move, which probably won`t be until September.
No sign of movement yet. No more tiredness than what I`d normally feel. Very rarely do I feel blah at all when waking up in the morning.
I have a crib, change table, dresser and playpen so far. Meaning most of the large items on the checklist are already accounted for.
I have a crib, change table, dresser and playpen so far. Meaning most of the large items on the checklist are already accounted for.
Next doctor`s appointment is this afternoon. I was also informed by my co-worker that I should make my 3D ultrasound (to find out the gender!) asap because they book up very quickly. I will probably do that today as well.
Basically, all things are still going great.
New News: My first appointment with my doctor was today and I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time. It's really fast, but makes it that much more real.
Update: My baby isn't a baby anymore. Visit my current blog, A Life of Our Own, to keep up with all the fun.
New News: My first appointment with my doctor was today and I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time. It's really fast, but makes it that much more real.
Update: My baby isn't a baby anymore. Visit my current blog, A Life of Our Own, to keep up with all the fun.
I love the bump! You're are so tiny it's adorable!
Ah you look so cute!
Oh my gosh you look great! Congrats!!
You're so little, the baby has nowhere to go but out! Time's going by fast though, 17 weeks already!
YOu are itty bitty. :) YOu have a beautiful baby bump. If only I had looked as cute as you pregnant....I might have done it a few more times. :)
Aw your belly is so sweet! I'm excited to see what you're having. Have y'all discussed names yet or is it too early? (obviously I've never been preggo lol!)
You look so pretty! What fun to see that baby bump growing.
Super cute bump! I love it!! And now I feel like a Giant COW! Mooooo, pass me the ice cream : )
What a cute bump you have! The hearbeats and the ultrasounds were always my favorite!
Aw, your baby belly is so cute!
You are adorable!!! Hearing that heartbeat for the first time is indescribable!
How fun. :) You're getting so big!! I love baby bumps, they're so cute. :)
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